The internal regulations in detail

What to respect from your arrival to your departure


article 1 – caution

To guarantee the execution of the specific obligations imposed on members benefiting from accommodation, the latter pay as a deposit, prior to their entry into the establishment, a sum fixed by the Office of the Association, which does not may be greater than twice the monthly fee paid by the interested party.

When an active member has caused, during a previous stay within MAISEL SudParis, difficulties, or even caused cleaning or repair costs to the premises or common property of the Association or third parties, the amount of the deposit required may be doubled.

In the event of termination of membership, the deposit is returned by MAISEL SudParis, within the month following the member’s actual departure, subject to the following reservations:

  • that the inventory was carried out before departure;
  • less the amount of costs caused by the fault of the member;

  • in the event of a dispute by the interested party, except by amicable settlement, by application of a final court decision, establishing, where applicable, accounts between the parties.


article 2 – responsabilities, insurance civil and rental liability

The member must have  CIVIL LIABILITY cover as well as rental insurance from an insurance company or mutual insurance company.

In the event of involvement in an accident of any nature whatsoever, and whatever the origin, the member responsible in whole or in part for damage expressly waives any recourse against MAISEL SudParis in the event of questioning of his personal liability in tort or quasi-tort.

The member is responsible both towards other members and the MAISEL administration for any damage they may cause. Any damage or loss noted (in particular of keys) will be subject to an estimate by the MAISEL administration, the amount of which will be the responsibility of the member and this according to the pricing communicated to the member. upon entering the premises.

La Maisel SudParis cannot be held responsible for thefts to which members may be victims within the residence. The member undertakes to take care of all insurance covering his personal property.

véhicles, parkings lots

The member who owns and/or uses a motor transport vehicle within the premises of La MAISEL SudParis must, at any time upon request from the Management of La MAISEL SudParis, provide proof of an insurance policy that complies with the law.

The member must park any vehicle, whatever it may be, exclusively in the places allocated for this use. Access must be clear to allow free passage for emergency vehicles.

La MAISEL SudParis cannot under any circumstances be held responsible for break-ins, thefts or any other damage committed in its car parks.


article 3 – fluids, Internet

La MAISEL SudParis guaranteeing its members, but only within its establishments, the use of electricity, light sources, heating, the members undertake for their part to make moderate and prudent use while respecting the material made available to them.

However, members cannot raise any complaints due to major repairs carried out in buildings, or due to interruption or removal of water, electricity or heating services, resulting from the concession companies.

A high-speed internet connection is offered to members upon membership of the MiNET association which manages the local network.

Please note that any downloading of works protected by copyright is illegal and, if necessary, the managing association reserves the right to suspend the connection to the network.


article 4 – respect for living spaces

The member undertakes to keep the premises in perfect condition and cleanliness and to only use them for their intended purpose. As such, the memeber cannot make any changes, either in their layout or in their equipment.

The member is prohibited d’from using or storing anywhere in La MAISEL SudParis establishments

  • noisy or dangerous devices regardless of their use;
  • explosive or flammable products ;
  • narcotics ;
  • alcoholic beverages ;
  • inglatable swimming pools or other spas…

The member must

  • respect the person, work, property and rest of others, members or staff of Maisel SudParis;
  • respect everyone’s sleep between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.;

  • refrain from organizing, either in the accommodation assigned to him or in another, “parties” or any other fun events involving, by the number of participants, noise pollution, or the use of alcoholic beverages or any poisonous or narcotic substances;

Unlawful overoccupancy and improper use of prohibited electrical equipment (particularly those containing high-power resistances), are, through the dangers they represent, from a safety point of view, likely to seriously compromise the integrity goods and people, particularly those called upon to work in establishments because of their leisure or work.

  • allow them to enter the premises made available to them, during the day (8:30 a.m. – 8:30 p.m.);

  • any person representing La MAISEL SudParis for service and safety reasons, as well as workers responsible for carrying out maintenance or improvement work ordered by La MAISEL SudParis; the member is informed in advance by a notice following an exchange by email via the address;

  • the President and/or the General Director, accompanied by an employee or members of the board of directors of MAISEL SudParis, in order to carry out any control relating to the safety of goods and people, and the obligations of members, even at night in case of serious emergency or danger

The right of occupancy does not in any way give the beneficiary the possibility of prohibiting the entry of the President and/or the General Director or their representative into his accommodation for the purposes of maintenance or for reasons of personal safety. and property or to verify the proper application of this Charter.

  • personally occupy the premises made available to them and not grant occupation to anyone, even temporarily or partially, whether free of charge or for a fee. Staff may conduct a resident quality check at any time ;
  • not host any third party, even temporarily, for any reason whatsoever, unless expressly authorized by the General Director of MAISEL SudParis;

  • not fix in any way on balconies or exterior walls, antennas of any kind whatever their destination;

  • take personal responsibility for cleaning the private areas temporarily made available to him as well as the maintenance of any equipment provided by La MAISEL SudParis, and he is required to respect the good maintenance of the common and/or semi-collective areas;

  • not transfer from one room to another, whether in housing or in collective premises, furniture belonging to La MAISEL SudParis ;

  • not modify the locks on the doors of semi-private or collective premises;

  • not transform existing security, in particular by altering or modifying locks or adding other locking systems;

  • cover, in the event of loss of keys, the cost of changing the lock barrel and new keys and the time spent by the technician;

  • not introduce any animal of any species into the premises of MAISEL SudParis;
  • remain responsible for their accommodation as well as equipment and furniture. He must not make any changes to the existing installations, in particular to the furniture and bedding. The member who violates the rules recalled above through wrongful behavior must put an end to it immediately upon injunction from the President and/or the General Director, accompanied by an employee or members of the board of directors of the company. La MAISEL SudParis, without prejudice to the sanction that may be taken against it.

In the event of refusal to comply with this essential rule, or in the event of faulty repetition, the Office of the Association may pronounce the immediate exclusion of the person concerned and the latter, even in the event of an appeal, must vacate the premises without deadline, as a precautionary measure.


article 5 – violence, assault and damage

Violence, assault

In the event of violence and assault on people or property within the premises of establishments for which La MAISEL SudParis assumes responsibility, the perpetrator, if he is a resident, may be subject to a sanction pronounced urgently by the Office of the Association on the proposal of the President and/or the General Director, as a precautionary or definitive measure, and in all cases, possible legal proceedings.


Damage observed in the accommodation provided is invoiced to the occupants concerned according to a scale established by La MAISEL SudParis and communicated to all members.

If the damage noted is not indicated on the established scale, the amount to be reimbursed will be the total amount of the replacement quotes.

Anonymous damage noted in the common areas of MAISEL SudParis is re-invoiced to all members according to the quotes established for replacement and accounting for labor if applicable.

Moral HARASSMENT and  respect for private life

No person should be subject to acts of moral harassment whose purpose or effect is a deterioration of their living conditions likely to infringe their rights and dignity, or to impair their physical or mental health. La MAISEL SudParis takes all necessary measures to prevent acts of moral harassment and lack of respect for private life.

La MAISEL SudParis are re-invoiced to all members according to the quotes established for replacement and accounting for labor on optionally.

Sexual and gender-based violence

Provocation to hatred and violence, insult of a sexist nature, defamation because of the sex of the person, in public or private, sexual assault, rape are sexual or sexist violence that MAISEL fights.

Student victims or witnesses of sexual or gender-based violence can call on the listening cell set up within the campus in order to be informed, supported or accompanied by staff trained in listening, who are committed to respect certain ethical rules and in particular neutrality and strict confidentiality concerning the situations and information brought to their attention.

Contact :


article 6 – sanctions

In the event of a breach of one of the obligations described in Articles 4 and 5 of this agreement, the offending member may be subject, at the initiative of either the Office or the President and/or the General Director alone ( e), a sanction which may go as far as exclusion.

In the event of a dispute, the person concerned may appeal against the sanction imposed on him or against any disciplinary decision of the Office, either by free appeal before the Office of La MAISEL SudParis association without formality or delay, or before the Council of The Administration meets in a DISCIPLINE COUNCIL and within the framework of a simplified procedure necessarily including respect for the rights of the defense.


article 7 – départure

If the accommodation is not vacated, Maisel SudParis may force the member by any means, including changing the locks.

In the event that personal effects have been left or abandoned by a member, either in the collective premises of La MAISEL SudParis, or in the accommodation specific to their accommodation, the General Director will have an inventory drawn up.

Personal effects are kept at the disposal of their supposed owner for a maximum period of six months, either in a premises intended for this purpose or in a storage unit at the owner’s expense.

After this period, the goods concerned will be entrusted to a charity if they are useful. Otherwise they will be destroyed. This Charter, annexed to the statutes of MAISEL SudParis, must be respected and applied by the members of the Association.

The Président of La MAISEL