Approved by the Board of Directors on May, 2nd 2023

The principles

La MAISEL SudParis, a non-profit association governed by the law of July 1, 1901, has the essential mission of ensuring the reception and accommodation of students from Télécom Sud Paris and the Institut Mines Télécom Business School, schools of the Institut Mines Télécoms, to provide them with moral and material assistance, so that their schooling takes place in the best living conditions.

L’association MAISEL SudParis association is managed by a board of directors on which there are six student representatives. Each year three student administrators are elected by all residents for a non-renewable two-year term.

La MAISEL SudParis makes available to all of its members the premises and collective or semi-collective equipment with which its establishments are equipped under conditions such as to allow regular and constant normal use.

Being housed at MAISEL SudParis implies adherence to the principles of the association, the moral commitment of respect,


  • fundamental freedoms: principle of secularism, individual freedoms. Any distinction made between students because or their origin, their gender, their family situation, their state of health, their morals, their political, union or religious opinions constitutes discrimination punishable by law;
  • collective and individual goods;
  • of the work of La MAISEL SudParis staff


article 1 – deposit

Prior to entering, La MAISEL SudParis, students pay a deposit, the amount of wich cannot exceed twice the amount of the monthly fee.


article 2 – responsabilities, insurance

The member must have CIVIL LIABILITY cover as well as RENTAL INSURANCE form an insurance company or mutual fund. The member is responsible both towards othe members and La MAISEL SudParis for any damage they may cause.


article 3 – Fluids – Internet

guarantees its members, within its establishments, the use of electricity, light sources and heating.

A high-speed internet connection is offered to members upon membership of the MiNET association which manages the local network.

article 4 – respect for living spaces


The member understakes of: 

  • use the premises he rents according to their intended purpose, without making any modifications ;
  • respect the person, work, property and rest of others, members and staff of La MAISEL SudParis ;
  • respect everyone’s sleep between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.


article 5 – violence, assault and damage

In the event of violence and assault on people or damage to property within the premises of establishments for which La MAISEL SudParis assumes responsibility, the perpetrator, if he is a resident, may be subject, on proposal from the President and/or the General Director, a sanction pronounced urgently by the Bureau of the Association, as a precautionary or definitive measure and, in all cases, possible legal proceedings.


article 6 – sanctions


In the event of violation of one of the obligations of this agreement, the offending member may be subject, at the initiative of the President and/or the General Director, to a sanction pronounced by the Office of the Association, which could go as far as exclusion.



article 7 – départure


When leaving La MAISEL SudParis the member must return the keys or badges given on arrival and free their accomodation of their personal belongings.

The Président of La MAISEL SudParis